Journalism refers to the production and distribution of reports on recent events. The word journalism applies to the occupation (professional or not), the methods of gathering information and organising literary styles. Journalistic mediums include print, television, radio, Internet and in the past: newsreels.
Media may refer to:
Living organisms including humans are social when they live collectively in interacting populations, whether they are aware of it, and whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
Social Media
Social media are computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and sharing of information, ideas, career interests and other forms of expression via virtual communities and networks. The variety of stand-alone and built-in social media services currently available introduces challenges of definition; however, there are some common features:
The highest reach of a news-writer is an empty Reasoning on Policy, and vain Conjectures on the public Management.
Jean de La Bruyère, The Characters or Manners of the Present Age (1688), Chapter I.
When found, make a note of.
Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son, Chapter 15.
The press is like the air, a chartered libertine.
William Pitt, to Lord Grenville (About 1757).