Warsaw, Poland

Journalism and social communication

Language: EnglishStudies in English
Subject area: journalism and information
Kind of studies: full-time studies, part-time studies
  • Description:

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Nowadays, every member of the public sphere sooner or later turns into a sort of journalist. The development of various types of citizen journalism and the ever-growing possibilities of multimedia use shape the reporting trends of the future. Join us to get to know them and follow your passion!

Are you interested in social trends and the impact of mass media on social life? Would you like to master professional journalist skills and start a career in the media? Journalism and Media Communication studies at Vistula University are interdisciplinary, and allow you to become acquainted with key topics in the fields of sociology, marketing, law, management and negotiation as well.

Enrolling in Vistula's practitioner-generated program, you will not only broaden your horizons, but also learn to be more tolerant of differing views as well as to argue your own opinion. You will develop a great number of useful skills such as public speaking (also in front of a camera or to a microphone), proofreading and editing texts, preparing short or long utterances and publications on a given topic, and researching various information sources in depth.

Communication (from Latin commūnicāre, meaning "to share") is the act of conveying intended meanings from one entity or group to another through the use of mutually understood signs and semiotic rules.
Journalism refers to the production and distribution of reports on recent events. The word journalism applies to the occupation (professional or not), the methods of gathering information and organising literary styles. Journalistic mediums include print, television, radio, Internet and in the past: newsreels.
Living organisms including humans are social when they live collectively in interacting populations, whether they are aware of it, and whether the interaction is voluntary or involuntary.
When found, make a note of.
Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son, Chapter 15.
The press is like the air, a chartered libertine.
William Pitt, to Lord Grenville (About 1757).
A news sense is really a sense of what is important, what is vital, what has color and life — what people are interested in. That's journalism.
Burton Rascoe As quoted in Useful Quotations : A Cyclopedia of Quotations (1933) edited by Tryon Edwards, C. N. Catrevas, and Jonathan Edwards


Stokłosy 3 str.
02-787 Warszawa, Poland
Phone: +48 22 457 23 16
Fax: +48 22 457 23 03
Our strengths:
  • Our university is among the top 10 top private universities in Poland - 5th place in the 2014 ranking developed by Perspektywy and Rzeczpospolita
  • Vistula University is the most international university in Poland according to the ranking of universities prepared by "Perspektywy" and "Dziennik Gazety Prawna" 2014
  • AFiB Vistula is highly regarded in the business environment: it was awarded the "Best Partner in Business" title by the editors of Home&Market and the European Medal by Business Center Club for the best internship and internship program for students
  • The high level of the studies is confirmed by international accreditations: CEEMAN in the field of marketing, WACE - with regard to combining studies with internship programs, IAU - confirming the quality of teaching
  • Vistula is a well-established and the oldest brand among all private universities in Poland
  • You can choose among 15 fields of study, including 7 that are taught in English

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